
FAQ’s for Kids


Q. Can Kids learn new languages at home?
A: Kids / Children can learn new language at home only if any relative or family member communicate on daily basis with kids. By Learning foreign Language, Children become better learners, better thinkers and thus become better citizens of the world.

Q. Should I make my Child bilingual and how does it will his/ her intelligence?
A: If you have the resources to teach foreign languages, it will be good for child overall growth. Being a bilingual child, it improves academic performance, brain development, also helps to learn native language. WRT, Raul Rojas (Asst. Professor at Texas University Dallas; Bilingual Expert),”Commonly held myths of language confusion are exactly that: myths! Bilingual children coordinate and negotiate information across their languages; bilingualism does not cause communication disorders, and monolingualism does not cure them.”, Cultural Awareness of others.

Q. Is making my child to listen more than one language make him confuse?
A: Please refer to Raul Rojas (Asst. Professor at Texas University Dallas; Bilingual Expert),”Commonly held myths of language confusion are exactly that: myths! Bilingual children coordinate and negotiate information across their languages; bilingualism does not cause communication disorders, and monolingualism does not cure them.”,

Q. What is the best way for kids to learn a second / new / foreign language?
A: With Reference to By Linda Halgunseth — Diversity in Education Special Edition Contributor” – Two ways to teach children second language ; 1. Simultaneously 2. Sequentially 1. Simultaneous learners are those who exposed to different languages at home through Family members. e.g. mother speaks English and Father speaks Hindi. Kids at very young age do not prefer one language over other. 2. Sequentially: Children who become familiar with one language at home. Other language introduced outside home such as, at School. Best example is Hindi speaking child introduced in English Medium school. In such cases, children come across four stages : 1. Few days persistence on home language use 2. Once children realize home language not much useful, they enter into silent period where they barely speak and rely on non-verbal means to communicate. (Parent shouldn’t be worried if they realize this behavior in children as this common stage. Research found that children under the age of 6 to 7 years are more able to speak the language like native speakers. 3. They start speak only few words by repeating words of others. 4. Finally children will start to express themselves and construct own dialogues.

Q. What is right age to learn new language?
A: Recent Studies on children learning Foreign Language indicate that the best time for learning another language is the first three to four years of life. Preshcool years are important years for learning another language.

Q. How long it will take the kids to learn the new / Chinese Language?
A: Learning Far East languages such as Chinese Language is require much more time against the expectations of adults. Children usually learn language through natural interactions with the rule of “the more the better “ kind of environment. In case if you don’t have conditions for children to speak another language everyday basis, then it is important to keep them in-touch with language on slow and gradual process. Once children get compatible environment to speak foreign language, it will be more comfortable for them to interact.

Q. How different or difficult for Children to learn new language than mother tongue?
A: Children at young age have unbelievable learning ability and can learn the new language provided the environment for speaking and practicing.

Q. Are some languages for kids more difficult than some Languages?
A: For English Speaking children, its easy to learn second language such as Spanish and French as compared to Far Eastern languages such as Korean, Japanese and Chinese.

Q. Is it okay to raise the child with two languages?
A: Yes, it is perfectly fine to raise the child with two languages.