
2 Apr 2024

21 Apr’24 Weekend Level 2


Weekends Offline  HSKLevel 2 Course

level 2 HanYou

HanYou is offering a Weekends Offline Chinese Language Course for Level 2, below is the course outline

Course Title: Weekends Offline HSKLevel 2 Course

Duration: 3 months Weekend course (Sat-Sun)

Course Highlights:

Interactive Learning:

Engage students with interactive activities, group discussions, and multimedia resources.

Real-life Scenarios:

Incorporate practical scenarios and role-playing exercises to apply language skills in everyday situations.

Progress Assessments:

Conduct regular assessments to track student progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide constructive feedback.

Small Class Sizes:

Maintain small class sizes to allow for personalized attention and increased interaction.

Balanced Learning Paths:

Recognize individual learning styles and pace, allowing for balanced way for learning paths.

Native Speaker Interaction:

Arrange sessions with native Mandarin speakers to enhance listening and speaking skills.

Homework and Review Sessions:

Assign homework to reinforce learning and conduct review sessions to revisit and solidify previous topics.

How to Enroll:

Kindly send us the text message via WhatsApp 9560484269 or click here, we will share complete course details, enrolment form link along with Fee structure and payment mode.

Course Completion and Certification:

Course will be completed by finishing 50 hrs learning and two internal assessments, mock tests and the certificate will be issued based on performance.
